Both of my daughters have attended Capital City Preschool recently. They have been so well cared for, learned so much and have been so happy at Preschool.

Both of my daughters have attended Capital City Preschool recently. They have been so well cared for, learned so much and have been so happy at Preschool. They have formed close and warm relationships with the teachers, and made many friends with their peers, both of which have meant that they have looked forward to going to Preschool every day. They have learned so much, including writing their names, greater proficiency with numbers, and an improved understanding of the world around them and of how they are expected to behave as a responsible student and friend. They have had so many great experiences, including music classes, movement classes, outings to the library, Te Papa, Zealandia, the movies, parks, plays and musical shows. I have always been happy to drop them off at the start of the day, knowing that they will be cared for in a warm environment with so many enjoyable and stimulating activities. And they have always still had smiles on their faces when I pick them up at the end of the day too!

– Polly Vowles
